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Joint Works - Occupational Health Specialist


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Joined Up, Physio & OH 

Turn your meeting room into a temporary and specialist Physiotherapy and Occupational Health clinic from as little as 4 hours a fortnight. We enable recovery and provide clear advice so you can support your employees back to work quickly and safely. We do not over alarm, over protect or over treat. Our work prognosis is informed by  examination and many years work and research in OH and pain.

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Ergonomics & Training

Tailored to your workplace, we assess individuals, groups, equipment and roles with consideration to person, task, environment and situation.  We offer recommendations, resources, health promotion  and training. Our training can include the manager's role in work and health, musculoskeletal health, understanding pain, manual handling, hybrid working, and Display Screen Equipment.

Image by Kaleidico

Musculoskeletal Strategy

Prevention first. You want to be the intelligent and supportive employer but it is hard to sift the fashion from the effective in today's wellbeing world. We can work with you to provide a Musculoskeletal Health Strategy that finds and targets your risks. This adds moral, financial and legal value by  reducing the number of musculoskeletal disorders and preventing avoidable disability, work loss and suffering.

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